Designed in collaboration with legendary Bay Area rapper and entrepreneur, Berner, G Pen is pleased to announce the G Pen Roam Vaporizer. Fully customized throughout, an all-in-one portable vaporizer intuitively designed to provide water-filtered concentrate vaporization on-the-go. Featuring a spill-proof, self-contained borosilicate glass hydrotube, a fully Quartz tank, and powerful 1,300mAh lithium-ion battery, the G Pen Roam heats to temperature within seconds of activation to deliver smooth and flavorful draws with ease.
Built within the G Pen Roam’s ergonomic housing is the glass water filtration hydro-tube system. The hydro-tube serves as the “vapor path” for the G Pen Roam, which is attached directly to the devices mouthpiece. With this design, Grenco Science has ensured the hydro-tube and the mouthpiece remain close to ensure you get fresh draws. With every pull your vapor is going from the hydro cooling chamber directly to your lungs.
The G Pen Roam features a full quartz heating tank to enhance the flavor of your waxy oil concentrate. In comparison to heating elements or titanium tanks, quartz is far more efficient in providing superior taste of your concentrates and heats up much faster than other chambers. The G Pen Roam Vaporizer reaches optimal temperature in moments peered by the 1300 man battery heating the ultra efficient quartz tank. The Roam offers a wide temperature range allowing you to taste your waxy oil concentrates while vaping producing a mix pure tasty notes and dense clouds.
Product Features:
Portable Concentrate Vaporizer
On-The-Go Water Filtration
Quartz Tank
Enclosed Glass Hydro Tube
1300mAh Battery.